So I'm joining a few others and started this challenge today. I think it would be a good idea to write my thoughts down.
The only thing I thought I would find challenging would be ice cream. I <3 ice cream! I thought I don't eat often, so this can't be that tough, I thought. OMG!!!! I want chocolate and candy and cookies, and cake, and ICE CREAM! The mind is sooo powerful and plays some mean games. I know that so I WILL overcome it. Let's see how I do throughout this challenge.
11-8 Day 1:
I made it through the day. It wasn't that bad...but knowing that I can't have something makes me want it. Its not the end of the world but it's called a challenge for a reason. I'm looking forward to the other 20 days.
11-9 Day 2:
Today was ok food wise. The only that that was difficult was dinner. The boys were looking forward to going out for pizza but I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to go out, let alone cook. So we did order, but I ordered a salad on a wheat wrap.
11-10 Day 3:
No food issues today. I didn't eat much due to some errands and some other things I had to do. I do find myself thinking of what I'm eating before I eat it. I was going to grab a few blue corn chips, stopped, remember I couldn't have them and had half a Luna bar instead :)
11-11 Day 4:
Today was GREAT! I made very healthy good choices today. Breakfast was special K serial then had an early lunch, egg white omelet. I had some wheat pita chips and hummus for a snack. Hubby is making a meatloaf roast and salad. Feeling strong today!
You CAN have it, you're just choosing not to. ;)